addChildren(Node[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.Group
Adds children to this Group Node.
addChildren(Node[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.Switch
Override to do nothing but throw an exception.
addDeviceObserver(DeviceObserver, String, Object) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Adds the given DeviceObserver to the list of observers for which this DeviceObserver will invoke methods.
addDeviceObserver(DeviceObserver, String, Object) - Method in interface shout3d.core.DeviceListener
This method registers the interest of a DeviceObserver The typeName should be fully qualified, as in "shout3d.core.MouseInput" or "shout3d.core.DeviceInput" to observe all inputs.
addFieldObserver(FieldObserver, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
This method registers the interest of a FieldObserver
addFieldObserver(String, String, String) - Method in class shout3d.core.JSFieldObserver
addJSDeviceObserver(String, String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Adds a DeviceObserver that will call back to the page
addJSFieldObserver(String, String, String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Adds a FieldObserver that will call back to the page
addJSRenderObserver(boolean, String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Adds a RenderObserver that will call back to the page.
addRenderObserver(RenderObserver, Object) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Renderer
This method registers the interest of a RenderObserver
addResourceObserver(ResourceObserver, Object) - Method in interface shout3d.core.ResourceListener
This method registers the interest of a ResourceObserver
addRoute(Field) - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Adds a route that copies values from this field to 'toField' each time that fromField's value changes.
addRoute(Field, Field) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Adds a route that copies values from 'fromField' to 'toField' each time that fromField's value changes.
addRoute(Field, Field) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Adds a route that copies values from 'fromField' to 'toField' each time that fromField's value changes.
addRoute(Field, Field) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Adds a route that copies values from 'fromField' to 'toField' each time that fromField's value changes.
affectedGroups - Variable in class shout3d.core.Light
allBones - Variable in class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
allTextures - Variable in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentCubeMap
ALPHA - Static variable in class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
These are the legal values for whichChannel in the getChannel() method.
ALPHA_LEVEL_MAP_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
ALT_MASK - Static variable in class shout3d.core.DeviceInput
This flag indicates that the Alt key was down when the event occurred.
amount - Variable in class shout3d.core.SpecularLevelMap
amount - Variable in class shout3d.core.BumpLevelMap
Anchor - class shout3d.core.Anchor.
Anchor Node Class.
Anchor() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Anchor
Constructs a default Anchor
Anchor(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Anchor
Constructor that takes a viewer as input.
ANY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
appearance - Variable in class shout3d.core.Shape
Appearance - class shout3d.core.Appearance.
Appearance Node.
APPEARANCE_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
Appearance() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Appearance
appearanceIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiMesh
describes appearance per polygon.
applet - Variable in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
The Shout3DApplet in which this panel is contained.
applyBeforeAlphaPrimitives() - Method in class shout3d.core.PostRenderEffect
applyBeforeAlphaPrimitives() - Method in class shout3d.core.Panorama
ArrayField - class shout3d.core.ArrayField.
An abstract class which is subclassed to create Shout3D Array Fields
ArrayField(Node, String, int) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.ArrayField
Constructs this ArrayField
axisToQuat(float[], float[]) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
convert an axis/angle rotation into a quaternion rotation.
axisToQuat(float[], int, float[], int) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
Input is two arrays which may be longer than 4 floats.


Background - class shout3d.core.Background.
A Background
Background() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Background
Constructs a default Background
Background(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Background
Constructor that takes a viewer as input.
backTexture - Variable in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentCubeMap
BASE_APPEARANCE_NODE_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
BaseAppearance - class shout3d.core.BaseAppearance.
BaseAppearance Node.
BaseAppearance() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BaseAppearance
BaseMap - class shout3d.core.BaseMap.
BaseMap Node.
BaseMap() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BaseMap
basePoint - Variable in class shout3d.core.ChannelDeformer
bboxCenter - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
bboxCenter - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
bboxSize - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
bboxSize - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
beginCap - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
BezierScalarInterpolator - class shout3d.core.BezierScalarInterpolator.
A BezierScalarInterpolator
BezierScalarInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BezierScalarInterpolator
Constructs a default BezierScalarInterpolator
BezierVecInterpolator - class shout3d.core.BezierVecInterpolator.
A BezierVecInterpolator
BezierVecInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BezierVecInterpolator
Constructs a default BezierVecInterpolator
bilinearFilteringEnabled - Variable in class shout3d.core.BaseMap
bilinearFilteringEnabled - Variable in class shout3d.core.Panorama
Billboard - class shout3d.core.Billboard.
A Billboard node.
Billboard() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Billboard
Constructs a default Billboard
Bindable - class shout3d.core.Bindable.
Abstract base class for all Bindable nodes.
Bindable() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Bindable
Constructs a default Bindable
Bindable(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Bindable
Constructor that takes a viewer as input.
BLUE - Static variable in class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
These are the legal values for whichChannel in the getChannel() method.
BooleanArrayField - class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayField.
A Field whose value stores an array of booleans.
BooleanArrayField(Node, String, int, boolean[]) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayField
Constructs a new BooleanArrayField.
BooleanArrayStepInterp - class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayStepInterp.
A BooleanArrayStepInterp
BooleanArrayStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayStepInterp
Constructs a default BooleanArrayStepInterp
BooleanEventToCurrentTime - class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToCurrentTime.
BooleanEventToCurrentTime() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToCurrentTime
Constructs a default DoubleToBoolean
BooleanEventToInteger - class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToInteger.
BooleanEventToInteger() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToInteger
Constructs a default BooleanEventToInteger
booleanFalseField - Variable in class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToBoolean
booleanField - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToInteger
booleanField - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToCurrentTime
BooleanField - class shout3d.core.BooleanField.
A Field whose value stores a boolean.
BooleanField(Node, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BooleanField
Constructs a new BooleanField.
BooleanStepInterp - class shout3d.core.BooleanStepInterp.
A BooleanStepInterp
BooleanStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BooleanStepInterp
Constructs a default BooleanStepInterp
booleanTrueField - Variable in class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToBoolean
bottom - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cylinder
bottom - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cone
bottomRadius - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cone
Box - class shout3d.core.Box.
Box() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Box
Constructs a default Box
BUMP_LEVEL_MAP_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
bumpLevelMap - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance
BumpLevelMap - class shout3d.core.BumpLevelMap.
BumpLevelMap Node.
BumpLevelMap() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.BumpLevelMap
Constructs a default BumpLevelMap
button - Variable in class shout3d.core.MouseInput
Indicates which button of the mouse was pressed.


CAPS_LOCK - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Caps Lock key, a non-ASCII action key.
ccw - Variable in class shout3d.core.S3DMesh
center - Variable in class shout3d.core.Transform
center - Variable in class shout3d.core.RotationDefChannel
center - Variable in class shout3d.core.TextureTransformMapping
centerOfMass - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
ChannelDeformer - class shout3d.core.ChannelDeformer.
A ChannelDeformer
ChannelDeformer() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.ChannelDeformer
Constructs a default ChannelDeformer
channels - Variable in class shout3d.core.ChannelDeformer
children - Variable in class shout3d.core.Group
choice - Variable in class shout3d.core.Switch
cleanUp() - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Called when the applet is stopped.
cleanUp() - Method in class shout3d.sound.JavaSound
Called when the applet is stopped.
clearResourceCaches() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Clears the cache of loaded resources, freeing the memory that holds them.
clearResourceCaches() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Clears the cache of loaded resources, freeing the memory that holds them.
clearResourceCaches() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Clears the cache of loaded resources, freeing the memory that holds them.
Clock - interface shout3d.core.Clock.
A Shout3D Core Clock
CLOSE - Static variable in class shout3d.core.WindowInput
This flag indicates that the window was closed.
color - Variable in class shout3d.core.Background
color - Variable in class shout3d.core.S3DMesh
color - Variable in class shout3d.core.IndexedLineSet
color - Variable in class shout3d.core.Color
color - Variable in class shout3d.core.Light
color - Variable in class shout3d.core.PointSet
Color - class shout3d.core.Color.
A Color Node
COLOR - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
COLOR_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
COLOR_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
Color() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Color
colorIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.S3DMesh
colorIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.IndexedLineSet
ColorInterpolator - class shout3d.core.ColorInterpolator.
A ColorInterpolator
ColorInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.ColorInterpolator
colorPerVertex - Variable in class shout3d.core.S3DMesh
colorPerVertex - Variable in class shout3d.core.IndexedLineSet
composeQuats(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
Creates a third quaternion that is equivalent to the first followed by the second
Cone - class shout3d.core.Cone.
Cone() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Cone
Constructs a default Cone
controlPoint - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
controlPoint - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
coord - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
coord - Variable in class shout3d.core.S3DMesh
coord - Variable in class shout3d.core.IndexedLineSet
coord - Variable in class shout3d.core.PointSet
COORD3 - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
COORD3_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
Coordinate - class shout3d.core.Coordinate.
A Coordinate Node
COORDINATE_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
COORDINATE_NODE_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
Coordinate() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Coordinate
CoordinateInterpolator - class shout3d.core.CoordinateInterpolator.
A Coordinate Interpolator
CoordinateInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.CoordinateInterpolator
Constructs a default CoordinateInterpolator
CoordinateNodeInterpolator - class shout3d.core.CoordinateNodeInterpolator.
A Coordinate Node Interpolator keyValues are a list of Coordinate nodes.
CoordinateNodeInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.CoordinateNodeInterpolator
Constructs a default CoordinateNodeInterpolator
coordIndex - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Displacer
coordIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.S3DMesh
coordIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.IndexedLineSet
CoreShout3DViewer - interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer.
An interface which must implemented by a Core Viewer.
creaseAngle - Variable in class shout3d.core.IndexedFaceSet
createNodeFromString(String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Creates and returns Shout3D node by parsing the string given as an argument.
createNodeFromString(String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Creates and returns Shout3D node by parsing the string given as an argument.
crossSection - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
CTRL_MASK - Static variable in class shout3d.core.DeviceInput
This flag indicates that the Control key was down when the event occurred.
currentTime - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToCurrentTime
CurrentTimeStepInterp - class shout3d.core.CurrentTimeStepInterp.
A CurrentTimeStepInterp
CurrentTimeStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.CurrentTimeStepInterp
Constructs a default CurrentTimeStepInterp
customInitialize() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Subclasses should override to perform custom initialization tasks.
cycleInterval - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
cycleTime - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
Cylinder - class shout3d.core.Cylinder.
Cylinder() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Cylinder
Constructs a default Cylinder


defaultBBoxCenter - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
defaultBBoxCenter - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
defaultBBoxSize - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
defaultBBoxSize - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
defaultCenterOfMass - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
defaultChildArray - Variable in class shout3d.core.Group
defaultColor - Variable in class shout3d.core.Light
defaultCoord - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
defaultCoordIndex - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Displacer
defaultCrossSection - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
defaultDisplacements - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Displacer
defaultDisplacers - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
defaultFlatShaded - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiMesh
If true, polygons not in a smoothing group will be flat shaded.
defaultHeight - Variable in class shout3d.core.ElevationGrid
defaultHumanoidBody - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
defaultInfo - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
defaultJoints - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
defaultLimitOrientation - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Joint
defaultLLimit - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Joint
defaultMass - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
defaultMomentsOfInertia - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
defaultName - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Joint
defaultName - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
defaultName - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
defaultName - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Displacer
defaultName - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Site
defaultOrientation - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
defaultScale - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
defaultSegments - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
defaultSites - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
defaultSpine - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
defaultStiffness - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Joint
defaultULimit - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Joint
defaultVersion - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
defaultViewpoints - Static variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
deform(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.DeformationChannel
deform(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.TranslationArrayDefChannel
deform(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.RotationDefChannel
deform(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.TranslationDefChannel
DeformationChannel - class shout3d.core.DeformationChannel.
A DeformationChannel DeformationChannels deform arrays of points.
DeformationChannel() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DeformationChannel
DEICONIFY - Static variable in class shout3d.core.WindowInput
This flag indicates that the window was deiconified
deleteRoute(Field) - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Removes any existing route from this field to toField Returns true if a route existed and was removed, false otherwise Note: Routes of ArrayFields copy by reference, not by value.
deleteRoute(Field, Field) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Removes any existing route from fromField to toField Returns true if a route existed and was removed, false otherwise Note: Routes of ArrayFields copy by reference, not by value.
deleteRoute(Field, Field) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Removes any existing route from fromField to toField Returns true if a route existed and was removed, false otherwise Note: Routes of ArrayFields copy by reference, not by value.
deleteRoute(Field, Field) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Removes any existing route from fromField to toField Returns true if a route existed and was removed, false otherwise
description - Variable in class shout3d.core.Viewpoint
description - Variable in class shout3d.core.Anchor
DeviceInput - class shout3d.core.DeviceInput.
An abstract class which is subclassed to create Shout3D DeviceInputs, such as MouseInput, KeyboardInput, and WindowInput
DeviceInput() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DeviceInput
Constructs this DeviceInput
DeviceInput(double, int) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DeviceInput
Constructs this DeviceInput
DeviceListener - interface shout3d.core.DeviceListener.
An interface which registers the interest of one or more DeviceObservers and passes DeviceInput information to each of them.
DeviceObserver - interface shout3d.core.DeviceObserver.
An interface which must be implemented to by any class interested in monitoring device input.
DIFFUSE_MAP_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
diffuseColor - Variable in class shout3d.core.Material
diffuseMap - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance
DiffuseMap - class shout3d.core.DiffuseMap.
DiffuseMap Node.
DiffuseMap() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DiffuseMap
direction - Variable in class shout3d.core.DirectionalLight
DIRECTION - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
DirectionalLight - class shout3d.core.DirectionalLight.
A Directional Light
DirectionalLight() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DirectionalLight
displacements - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Displacer
Displacer - class shout3d.hanim.Displacer.
Displacer node for H-anim 1.1 spec.
Displacer() - Constructor for class shout3d.hanim.Displacer
displacers - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
dot(float[], float[]) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
Calculates the dot product of two 3-vectors or 4-vectors
doTextureCoords - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
doTextureCoords - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
DoubleArrayField - class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayField.
A Field whose value stores an array of double precision floating point numbers.
DoubleArrayField(Node, String, int, double[]) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayField
Constructs a new DoubleArrayField.
DoubleArrayStepInterp - class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayStepInterp.
A DoubleArrayStepInterp
DoubleArrayStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayStepInterp
Constructs a default DoubleArrayStepInterp
DoubleEventToBoolean - class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToBoolean.
DoubleEventToBoolean() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToBoolean
Constructs a default DoubleEventToBoolean
DoubleEventToInteger - class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToInteger.
DoubleEventToInteger() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToInteger
Constructs a default DoubleEventToInteger
doubleField - Variable in class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToInteger
doubleField - Variable in class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToBoolean
DoubleField - class shout3d.core.DoubleField.
A Field whose value stores a double precision floating point number.
DoubleField(Node, String, int, double) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DoubleField
Constructs a new DoubleField.
DoubleStepInterp - class shout3d.core.DoubleStepInterp.
A DoubleStepInterp
DoubleStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.DoubleStepInterp
Constructs a default DoubleStepInterp
DOWN - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Down Arrow key, a non-ASCII action key.
DOWN - Static variable in class shout3d.core.MouseInput
This flag indicates that the mouse button was pressed.
downTexture - Variable in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentCubeMap
DRAG - Static variable in class shout3d.core.MouseInput
This flag indicates that the mouse button was dragged.


edgeVisibleIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiMesh
describes edge visibility per polygon.
elapsedSeconds - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
ElevationGrid - class shout3d.core.ElevationGrid.
ElevationGrid() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.ElevationGrid
Constructs a default ElevationGrid
emissiveColor - Variable in class shout3d.core.Material
enabled - Variable in class shout3d.core.PostRenderEffect
enabled - Variable in class shout3d.core.BaseMap
enabled - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
enabled - Variable in class shout3d.core.TouchSensor
END - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The End key, a non-ASCII action key.
endCap - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
endKey - Variable in class shout3d.core.FractionRemapper
ENTER - Static variable in class shout3d.core.MouseInput
This flag indicates that the mouse cursor entered the graphics context area.
ENVIRONMENT_MAP_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
ENVIRONMENT_MAP_STYLE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
environmentCubeMap - Variable in class shout3d.core.Panorama
EnvironmentCubeMap - class shout3d.core.EnvironmentCubeMap.
EnvironmentCubeMap Node.
EnvironmentCubeMap() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.EnvironmentCubeMap
environmentMap - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance
EnvironmentMap - class shout3d.core.EnvironmentMap.
EnvironmentMap Node.
EnvironmentMap() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.EnvironmentMap
EnvironmentSphereMap - class shout3d.core.EnvironmentSphereMap.
EnvironmentSphereMap Node.
EnvironmentSphereMap() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.EnvironmentSphereMap
EulerXYZInterpolator - class shout3d.core.EulerXYZInterpolator.
A EulerXYZInterpolator
EulerXYZInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.EulerXYZInterpolator
Constructs a default EulerXYZInterpolator
EXIT - Static variable in class shout3d.core.MouseInput
This flag indicates that the mouse cursor exited the graphics context area.
Extrusion - class shout3d.core.Extrusion.
Extrusion() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Extrusion
Constructs a default Extrusion


F1 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F1 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F10 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F10 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F11 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F11 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F12 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F12 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F2 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F2 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F3 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F3 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F4 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F4 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F5 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F5 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F6 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F6 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F7 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F7 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F8 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F8 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
F9 - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The F9 function key, a non-ASCII action key.
falseFilter - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToInteger
falseFilter - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToCurrentTime
falseTime - Variable in class shout3d.core.Toggle
Field - class shout3d.core.Field.
An abstract class which is subclassed to create Shout3D Fields
FIELD_OF_VIEW - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
Field(Node, String, int) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Field
Constructs this Field
fieldNotify() - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Notifies all registered observers and routes that the field was changed.
FieldObserver - interface shout3d.core.FieldObserver.
An interface which implements a callback when a field changes value
fieldOfView - Variable in class shout3d.core.Viewpoint
filter(Graphics, int[], float[], int, int) - Method in class shout3d.core.PostRenderEffect
filter(Graphics, int[], float[], int, int) - Method in class shout3d.core.ProgressiveAntialias
filter(Graphics, int[], float[], int, int) - Method in class shout3d.core.Panorama
finalize() - Method in class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
FloatArrayField - class shout3d.core.FloatArrayField.
A Field whose value stores an array of floats.
FloatArrayField(Node, String, int, float[]) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.FloatArrayField
Constructs a new FloatArrayField.
FloatArrayStepInterp - class shout3d.core.FloatArrayStepInterp.
A FloatArrayStepInterp
FloatArrayStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.FloatArrayStepInterp
Constructs a default FloatArrayStepInterp
FloatField - class shout3d.core.FloatField.
A Field whose value stores a float.
FloatField(Node, String, int, float) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.FloatField
Constructs a new FloatField.
FloatStepInterp - class shout3d.core.FloatStepInterp.
A FloatStepInterp
FloatStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.FloatStepInterp
Constructs a default FloatStepInterp
fovMapping - Variable in class shout3d.core.Viewpoint
This field can take any of 4 values -- "SHORTEST" (the default) "HORIZONTAL" "VERTICAL" or "DIAGONAL"
fraction - Variable in class shout3d.core.Interpolator
fraction - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
FractionRemapper - class shout3d.core.FractionRemapper.
FractionRemapper maps a fraction to play a range of keyframes of connected Interpolators.
FractionRemapper() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.FractionRemapper
Constructs a default FractionRemapper
frontTexture - Variable in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentCubeMap


geometry - Variable in class shout3d.core.Shape
Geometry - class shout3d.core.Geometry.
A Geometry
GEOMETRY_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
Geometry() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Geometry
Constructs a default Geometry node.
getAbsoluteTime() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
this method gets the number of seconds since midnight GMT January 1, 1970, as of the last call to tick().
getAbsoluteTime() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Clock
this method gets the number of seconds since midnight GMT January 1, 1970, as of the last call to tick().
getAxisAngle(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Gets the axis + angle equivalent of this quaternion.
getAxisAngle(float[], int) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Gets the axis + angle equivalent of this quaternion and loads it into a selected location within the axis_angle.
getCameraBBoxMax(Node[], Node[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.Group
Returns the current camera-space bounding box max, as an array of 3 values.
getCameraBBoxMin(Node[], Node[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.Group
Returns the current camera-space bounding box min, as an array of 3 values.
getCameraToParent() - Method in class shout3d.core.Viewpoint
getChannel(int, boolean) - Method in class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
Returns a reference to or copy of a channel of pixels in the texture.
getClock() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns a reference to the Clock
getClock() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets this viewer's Clock
getClock() - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Gets this viewer's Clock
getComponent() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns a reference to the java component in which this panel is drawn
getComponent() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Returns the Java Component in which the viewer is displayed
getComponent() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Gets the Java Component in which this viewer is being displayed.
getCurrentBaseURL() - Method in interface shout3d.core.ResourceListener
Gets the current base URL for loading resources.
getCurrentBindableNode(String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns a reference to the currently bound node of the given type.
getCurrentBindableNode(String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Returns a reference to the currently bound node of the given type.
getCurrentBindableNode(String) - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Returns a reference to the currently bound node of the given type.
getDEFName() - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Gets the DEF name of this Node
getDeviceListener() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Gets this panel's DeviceListener
getDeviceListener() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets this viewer's DeviceListener
getDeviceListener() - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Gets this viewer's DeviceListener
getEulers(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Returns a set of three 'euler rotations' equivalent to this quaternion's rotation.
getField(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Gets a Field by name
getFieldByIndex(int) - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Gets a Field by index
getFieldName(Field) - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Gets the name of a Field.
getFramesPerSecond() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns the rendering frame rate
getFromPoint() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Returns a reference to the world-space "from" point used in the last pick.
getHeight() - Method in class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
Returns the height of the texture.
getInverseMatrix() - Method in class shout3d.core.Group
Gets the 4x4 matrix equal to the inverse of this Transform.
getInverseMatrix() - Method in class shout3d.core.Transform
Get the matrix equal to the inverse of this Transform.
getInverseMatrix() - Method in class shout3d.core.Billboard
Get the matrix equal to the inverse of this Transform.
getKeyIndexBeforeOrAt(float) - Method in class shout3d.core.KeyframeInterpolator
Returns the index of the key value that falls before or at the given fraction.
getLength() - Method in class shout3d.core.ArrayField
Returns the number of elements in the array of values.
getLength() - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeArrayField
Returns the number of elements in the array of values.
getLength() - Method in class shout3d.core.StringArrayField
Returns the number of elements in the array of values.
getLength() - Method in class shout3d.core.IntArrayField
Returns the number of elements in the array of values.
getLength() - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayField
Returns the number of elements in the array of values.
getLength() - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatArrayField
Returns the number of elements in the array of values.
getLength() - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayField
Returns the number of elements in the array of values.
getLocalBBoxMax() - Method in class shout3d.core.Group
Returns the current local-space bbox max, and array of 3 values
getLocalBBoxMin() - Method in class shout3d.core.Group
Returns the current local-space bbox min, and array of 3 values
getMat() - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Returns a 16-float array equivalent to the 4 by 4 matrix rotation matrix specified by this quaternion
getMatrix() - Method in class shout3d.core.Group
Gets the 4x4 matrix that transforms from local to parent space, based on current field values
getMatrix() - Method in class shout3d.core.Transform
Gets the 4x4 matrix that transforms from local to parent space, based on current field values
getMatrix() - Method in class shout3d.core.Billboard
Gets the 4x4 matrix that transforms from local to parent space, based on current field values Note: This matrix may give incorrect results if there are multiple instances of the billboard within the scene.
getMatrixAlongPath(Node[], boolean) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
Gets the matrix equivalent to concatenating all the matrices along the given path.
getName() - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Gets this Field's name.
getNewPicker() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Gets a new Shout3DPicker
getNewPicker() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets a new Picker
getNewPicker() - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Gets a new Picker
getNewSearcher() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Gets a new Searcher
getNewSearcher() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets a new Searcher
getNewSearcher() - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Gets a new Searcher
getNodeByName(String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Gets a Node by DEF name.
getNodeByName(String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets a Node by its DEF Name Returns null if no node is found with the given name
getNodeByName(String) - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Gets a Node by it's DEF Name Returns null if no node is found with the given name
getNodeSearchPath() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns a copy of the current node search path.
getNodeSearchPath() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Returns a copy of the current node search path.
getNumFields() - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Gets the number of fields in this Node
getNumRoutes() - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Returns the number of fields to which this field is routed.
getOwner() - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Gets this Field's owner.
getParentToCamera() - Method in class shout3d.core.Viewpoint
getPath() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Returns the last path given to this Picker using setPath().
getPendingCount() - Method in interface shout3d.core.ResourceListener
Returns the number of resources remaining to be loaded by the applet.
getPickInfo(int) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Gets any info that was requested (prior to performing the pick) by setting flags in setPickInfo.
getPickPath() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Returns path to the last picked node.
getPixelX() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Returns x location of last pixel used to pick.
getPixelY() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Returns y location of last pixel used to pick.
getProfile() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Gets a string denoting the profile of the current scene.
getProfile() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets a string denoting the profile of the current scene.
getProfile() - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Gets a string denoting the profile of the current scene.
getProjectedBounds(Node[], boolean, float[]) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Projects the bounding box of the node at the end of pathToNode to screen space.
getProjectedBoundsByNode(Node, boolean, float[]) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Just like getProjectedBounds(), except that only a single node is provided as argument instead of a path.
getProjectedPixel(Node[], float[], float[]) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Projects a point in the scene back out onto the picture plane and returns the corresponding pixel value.
getProjectedPixelByNode(Node, float[], float[]) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Just like getProjectedPixel(), except that only a single node is provided as argument instead of a path.
getQuat(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Copies the values from this quaternion into a pre-allocated array of 4 floats.
getQuat(Quaternion) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Copies the value of this quaternion into another.
getRampedKey(float, int, int) - Method in class shout3d.core.KeyframeInterpolator
Returns the interpolated value of the key field.
getRenderer() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Gets the renderer
getRenderer() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets this viewer's Renderer
getRenderer() - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Gets this viewer's Renderer
getResourceListener() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns a reference to the ResourceListener
getResourceListener() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets this viewer's ResourceListener
getResourceListener() - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Gets this viewer's ResourceListener
getRoutedField(int) - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Returns a field to which this field is routed to.
getScene() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Gets the scene in the panel
getScene() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets the scene in the Viewer
getScene() - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Gets the scene in the Viewer
getScene() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Returns the root of the scene being used for picks.
getToPoint() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Returns a reference the "to" point used in the last pick.
getTypeName() - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Gets a string representing this Node's type
getTypeName() - Method in class shout3d.core.DeviceInput
Gets a string representing this DeviceInput's type
getTypeName() - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Gets a string representing this Field's type
getUsage() - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Gets this Field's usageType.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Gets the array of 4 floats defining this quaternion by reference.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeArrayField
Returns the current value of the field as a reference to the array.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeField
Returns the current value of the field.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.StringField
Returns the current value of the field.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.StringArrayField
Returns the current value of the field as a reference to the array.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.IntArrayField
Returns the current value of the field as a reference to the array.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleField
Returns the current value of the field.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayField
Returns the current value of the field as a reference to the array.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.IntField
Returns the current value of the field.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanField
Returns the current value of the field.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatArrayField
Returns the current value of the field as a reference to the array.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatField
Returns the current value of the field.
getValue() - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayField
Returns the current value of the field as a reference to the array.
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.StringField
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.StringArrayField
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.IntArrayField
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleField
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayField
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.IntField
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanField
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatArrayField
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatField
getValueByString() - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayField
getVersion() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Gets a string denoting the version of this viewer.
getVersion() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets a string denoting the version of this viewer.
getVersion() - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Gets a string denoting the version of this viewer.
getViewer() - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Returns the Shout3DViewer in which this node is displayed.
getWidth() - Method in class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
Returns the width of the texture.
getWorldBBoxMax(Node[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.Group
Returns the current world-space bounding box min, as an array of 3 values.
getWorldBBoxMin(Node[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.Group
Returns the current world-space bounding box min, as an array of 3 values.
getWorldRay(int, int, float[], float[]) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Calculates the worldspace ray from the currently bound viewpoint through the given pixel.
GREEN - Static variable in class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
These are the legal values for whichChannel in the getChannel() method.
Group - class shout3d.core.Group.
A Group.
Group() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Group
Constructs a default Group


handleEvent(Event) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
hasAlphaTexture - Variable in class shout3d.core.ImageTexture
headlight - Variable in class shout3d.core.NavigationInfo
height - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cylinder
height - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cone
height - Variable in class shout3d.core.ElevationGrid
hidden - Variable in class shout3d.core.Group
hitNormal - Variable in class shout3d.core.TouchSensor
hitPoint - Variable in class shout3d.core.TouchSensor
HOME - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Home key, a non-ASCII action key.
Humanoid - class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid.
Humanoid() - Constructor for class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
humanoidBody - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid


ICONIFY - Static variable in class shout3d.core.WindowInput
This flag indicates that the window was iconified.
ImageTexture - class shout3d.core.ImageTexture.
ImageTexture() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.ImageTexture
Constructs a default ImageTexture
ImageTexture(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.ImageTexture
Constructs that takes a viewer as an argument
INDEX_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
IndexedFaceSet - class shout3d.core.IndexedFaceSet.
An IndexedFaceSet
IndexedFaceSet() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.IndexedFaceSet
Constructs a default IndexedFaceSet
IndexedLineSet - class shout3d.core.IndexedLineSet.
IndexedLineSet() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.IndexedLineSet
Constructs a default IndexedLineSet
info - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
info - Variable in class shout3d.core.WorldInfo
inFraction - Variable in class shout3d.core.FractionRemapper
init() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Applets that override this method must call super.init() within their own init() method, or the Applet will not work correctly
initShout3DPanel() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Initializes the panel.
INSERT - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Insert key, a non-ASCII action key.
IntArrayField - class shout3d.core.IntArrayField.
A Field whose value stores an array of ints.
IntArrayField(Node, String, int, int[]) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.IntArrayField
Constructs a new IntArrayField.
IntArrayStepInterp - class shout3d.core.IntArrayStepInterp.
A IntArrayStepInterp
IntArrayStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.IntArrayStepInterp
Constructs a default IntArrayStepInterp
intensity - Variable in class shout3d.core.Light
Interpolator - class shout3d.core.Interpolator.
An Interpolator
Interpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Interpolator
Constructs a default Interpolator
intField - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToInteger
intField - Variable in class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToInteger
IntField - class shout3d.core.IntField.
A Field whose value stores a float.
IntField(Node, String, int, int) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.IntField
Constructs a new IntField.
IntStepInterp - class shout3d.core.IntStepInterp.
A IntStepInterp
IntStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.IntStepInterp
Constructs a default IntStepInterp
isActive - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
isActive - Variable in class shout3d.core.TouchSensor
isAntiAliased() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns whether antialiasing is enabled
isAntiAliased() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Returns whether antialiasing is enabled
isAntiAliased() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Returns whether antialiasing is enabled
isBilinearFiltering() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns whether bilinear filtering is enabled on textures
isBilinearFiltering() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Returns whether bilinear filtering is enabled on textures
isBilinearFiltering() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Returns whether bilinear filtering is enabled on textures
isBound - Variable in class shout3d.core.Bindable
isHeadlight - Variable in class shout3d.core.DirectionalLight
Set this true and the light will shine relative to the space of the camera.
isLoadResourcesInSeparateThread() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns whether resources should are being loaded in a separate thread.
isLoadResourcesInSeparateThread() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Returns whether resources should are being loaded in a separate thread.
isLoadResourcesInSeparateThread() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Returns whether resources should are being loaded in a separate thread.
isOfType(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Returns whether this node is of the same type, or a type derived from, the Node type given by the input string.
isOfType(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.DeviceInput
Returns whether this deviceInput is of the same type, or a type derived from, the DeviceInput type given by the input string.
isOfType(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Returns whether this field is of the same type, or a type derived from, the Field type given by the input string.
isOver - Variable in class shout3d.core.TouchSensor
isPanelAutoFillsApplet() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns whether this panel will automatically reshape itself to fill the entire size of the applet.
isPanelAutoFillsApplet() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Returns whether this applet's panel will automatically reshape itself to fill the entire size of this applet.
isPaused() - Method in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
Gets whether this timeSensor is paused or not
isPickPixelBased() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Returns whether the last pick was done based on a pixel location or a pair of 3D from/to coordinates.
isPixelDoubling() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns whether pixel doubling is enabled.
isPixelDoubling() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Returns whether pixel doubling is enabled.
isPixelDoubling() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Returns whether pixel doubling is enabled.
isPixelDoublingSmooth() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Returns true if pixel doubling is enabled and the style in use is smooth style.
isPixelDoublingSmooth() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Returns true if pixel doubling is enabled and the style in use is smooth style.
isPixelDoublingSmooth() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Returns true if pixel doubling is enabled and the style in use is smooth style.
isPunchedIn - Variable in class shout3d.core.FractionRemapper
isRecursivelySearchable() - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeArrayField
Returns whether node values in this field are recursively searched by searchers.
isRecursivelySearchable() - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeField
Returns whether node values in this field are recursively searched by searchers.
isRenderLoopPaused() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Gets whether the rendering loop is currently paused
isRenderLoopPaused() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Gets whether the rendering loop is currently paused
isRenderLoopPaused() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Gets whether the rendering loop is currently paused
isRouted(Field) - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
Checks if a route currently exists from this field to toField
isRouted(Field, Field) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Checks if a route currently exists from fromField to toField
isRouted(Field, Field) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Checks if a route currently exists from fromField to toField
isRouted(Field, Field) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Checks if a route currently exists from fromField to toField


JavaSound - class shout3d.sound.JavaSound.
A class which implements sound via the standard Java 1.0 API.
JavaSound() - Constructor for class shout3d.sound.JavaSound
Constructs a default sound
JavaSound(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.sound.JavaSound
Constructs a Sound with a Viewer
Joint - class shout3d.hanim.Joint.
Joint() - Constructor for class shout3d.hanim.Joint
joints - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
JSDeviceObserver - class shout3d.core.JSDeviceObserver.
JSDeviceObserver(Shout3DApplet, String, String) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.JSDeviceObserver
JSFieldObserver - class shout3d.core.JSFieldObserver.
JSFieldObserver(Shout3DApplet) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.JSFieldObserver
JSRenderObserver - class shout3d.core.JSRenderObserver.
JSRenderObserver(Shout3DApplet, boolean, String) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.JSRenderObserver


key - Variable in class shout3d.core.KeyframeInterpolator
key - Variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
Indicates which key was pressed or released.
KeyboardInput - class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput.
A class for describing keyboard input.
KeyboardInput() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
Constructs a KeyboardInput
KeyboardInput(int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
Constructs a KeyboardInput
KeyframeInterpolator - class shout3d.core.KeyframeInterpolator.
A KeyframeInterpolator
KeyframeInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.KeyframeInterpolator
Constructs a default ScalarInterpolator
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.StringStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.PositionInterpolator
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.FloatStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.DoubleStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.TCBBaseInterpolator
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.NodeArrayStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.OrientationInterpolator
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.CoordinateInterpolator
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.IntArrayStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.BezierScalarInterpolator
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.TCBOrientationInterpolator
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.ScalarInterpolator
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.StringArrayStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.NodeStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.FloatArrayStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.IntStepInterp
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.CoordinateNodeInterpolator
keyValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.BezierVecInterpolator


LEFT - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Left Arrow key, a non-ASCII action key.
leftTexture - Variable in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentCubeMap
Light - class shout3d.core.Light.
A Light
Light() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Light
Constructs a default DirectionalLight
limitOrientation - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Joint
LINE_INDEX_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
lineWidth - Variable in class shout3d.core.IndexedLineSet
llimit - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Joint
loadASAP - Variable in class shout3d.core.ImageTexture
loadURL(String[], Node) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Loads an URL into the node root.
loadURL(String[], Node) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Loads an URL into the node root.
loadURL(String[], Node) - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Reads the the file referred to by the given URL and sets the passed root parameter to be the root of the scene in that file.
loop - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
loop - Variable in class shout3d.sound.JavaSound


makeIdent() - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to identity (no rotation)
mass - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
material - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance
material - Variable in class shout3d.core.Appearance
Material - class shout3d.core.Material.
A Material
MATERIAL_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
Material() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Material
Constructs a default Material
MATRIX - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.Picker
MatUtil - class shout3d.math.MatUtil.
Matrix and rotation Utility Methods
MatUtil() - Constructor for class shout3d.math.MatUtil
Mesh - class shout3d.core.Mesh.
Mesh() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Mesh
META_MASK - Static variable in class shout3d.core.DeviceInput
This flag indicates that the Meta key was down when the event occurred.
modifiedCoordIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.TranslationArrayDefChannel
modifiedCoordIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.RotationDefChannel
modifiedCoordIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.TranslationDefChannel
modifiers - Variable in class shout3d.core.DeviceInput
Indicates any modifiers present with the key input.
modulateTextureWithDiffuse - Variable in class shout3d.core.Material
momentsOfInertia - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
MouseInput - class shout3d.core.MouseInput.
A class for describing basic mouse input.
MouseInput() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.MouseInput
Constructs a MouseInput
MouseInput(int, int, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.MouseInput
Constructs a MouseInput
MOVE - Static variable in class shout3d.core.MouseInput
This flag indicates that the mouse button was moved.
mult(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to be the product of the two input quaternions.
multDirMatrix(float[], float[]) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
Transforms a direction by a 4x4 matrix.
MULTI_MESH_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
MultiAppearance - class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance.
MultiAppearance() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance
MultiMesh - class shout3d.core.MultiMesh.
MultiMesh Node.
MultiMesh() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.MultiMesh
Constructs a default MultiMesh
multMatrix44byMatrix44(float[], float[]) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
Multiplies two 4x4 matrices, stores the result in the first, and returns that first matrix.
multVecMatrix(float[], float[]) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
Transforms a point by a 4x4 matrix


name - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Joint
name - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Segment
name - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
name - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Displacer
name - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Site
NavigationInfo - class shout3d.core.NavigationInfo.
A NavigationInfo class.
NavigationInfo() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.NavigationInfo
Constructs a default NavigationInfo
NavigationInfo(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.NavigationInfo
Constructs that takes a viewer as an argument
Node - class shout3d.core.Node.
An abstract class which is subclassed to create Shout3D Nodes.
Node() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Node
Default constructor
NodeArrayField - class shout3d.core.NodeArrayField.
A Field whose value stores an array of Nodes.
NodeArrayField(Node, String, int, Node[]) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.NodeArrayField
Constructs a new NodeArrayField.
NodeArrayStepInterp - class shout3d.core.NodeArrayStepInterp.
A NodeArrayStepInterp
NodeArrayStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.NodeArrayStepInterp
Constructs a default NodeArrayStepInterp
NodeField - class shout3d.core.NodeField.
A Field whose value stores a Node.
NodeField(Node, String, int, Node) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.NodeField
Constructs a new NodeField.
NodeStepInterp - class shout3d.core.NodeStepInterp.
A NodeStepInterp
NodeStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.NodeStepInterp
Constructs a default NodeStepInterp
NON_NEGATIVE_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
NON_NEGATIVE_FLOAT - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
NON_NEGATIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
NON_NEGATIVE_INT - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
NON_NEGATIVE_INT_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
NORMAL - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.Picker
normalize(float[]) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
Normalizes the given vector.
NORMALIZED_FLOAT - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
NORMALIZED_FLOAT_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
NUM_LOCK - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Num Lock key, a non-ASCII action key.
numBones - Variable in class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
numLoops - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
numSides - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cylinder
numSides - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cone
numSidesU - Variable in class shout3d.core.Sphere
numSidesV - Variable in class shout3d.core.Sphere
NurbsLineSet - class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet.
NurbsLineSet() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
Constructs a default NurbsLineSet
NurbsSurface - class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface.
NurbsSurface() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
Constructs a default NurbsSurface


offset - Variable in class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
offsetUV - Variable in class shout3d.core.SingleTextureMap
on - Variable in class shout3d.core.Light
onDeviceInput(DeviceInput, Object) - Method in interface shout3d.core.DeviceObserver
Must be called when a DeviceInput is received by the class implementing this DeviceObserver's DeviceListener.
onDeviceInput(DeviceInput, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.TouchSensor
Called by the DeviceListener every time a device input comes in.
onDeviceInput(DeviceInput, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.JSDeviceObserver
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Transform
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() methods.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Bindable
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Background
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method as super.onFieldChange(theField, userData) or the Background will not work correctly
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.IndexedFaceSet
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Cylinder
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Interpolator
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Cone
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Switch
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() methods.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.SpecularLevelMap
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Viewpoint
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() methods.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.TimeSensorPauser
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.NavigationInfo
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.IndexedLineSet
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Toggle
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.TCBBaseInterpolator
This node watches one field, the keyValue field.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentSphereMap
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.JSFieldObserver
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.OrientationInterpolator
This node watches one field, the keyValue field.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentCubeMap
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.MultiMesh
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.ElevationGrid
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Box
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToInteger
This sets the integer field to its current value, which serves to push these values out along any connected route(s).
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in interface shout3d.core.FieldObserver
This method should be called when the field's value changes.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.ImageTexture
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Material
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.TCBOrientationInterpolator
This node watches one field, the keyValue field.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToCurrentTime
This sets the currentTime field to the current time, which serves to push this value out along any connected route(s).
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.PointSet
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() methods.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToInteger
Whenever the doubleField changes, this sets the intField, pushing its value out along any connected route(s).
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.Sphere
Subclasses must call this from within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleEventToBoolean
Whenever the doubleField changes, this sets the booleanTrueField to true and the booleanFalseField to false.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.EulerXYZInterpolator
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.BumpLevelMap
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.TextureMapping
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.TextureTransformMapping
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.FractionRemapper
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
onFieldChange(Field, Object) - Method in class shout3d.sound.JavaSound
onLoadDone(String, boolean, Object) - Method in interface shout3d.core.ResourceObserver
This method should be called by this ResourceObserver's ResourceListener once the resource has completed loading, or failed to load.
onLoadDone(String, boolean, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.StillCamProgAntialias
onPostRender(Renderer, Object) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Called immediately following rendering.
onPostRender(Renderer, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.JSRenderObserver
onPostRender(Renderer, Object) - Method in interface shout3d.core.RenderObserver
This method should be called by the renderer on all registered observers, immediately following completion of rendering.
onPreRender(Renderer, Object) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Called immediately prior to rendering.
onPreRender(Renderer, Object) - Method in class shout3d.core.JSRenderObserver
onPreRender(Renderer, Object) - Method in interface shout3d.core.RenderObserver
This method should be called by the renderer on all registered observers, immediately prior to rendering.
opacityLevelMap - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance
OpacityLevelMap - class shout3d.core.OpacityLevelMap.
OpacityLevelMap Node.
OpacityLevelMap() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.OpacityLevelMap
orientation - Variable in class shout3d.core.Viewpoint
orientation - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
OrientationInterpolator - class shout3d.core.OrientationInterpolator.
An Orientation Interpolator
OrientationInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.OrientationInterpolator
Constructs a default Orientation Interpolator
outFraction - Variable in class shout3d.core.FractionRemapper
outPoint - Variable in class shout3d.core.ChannelDeformer
outPoint - Variable in class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer


panel - Variable in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
The panel in which this applet will display its Shout3D rendering
Panorama - class shout3d.core.Panorama.
A Panorama
Panorama() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Panorama
Constructs a default Panorama node.
parameter - Variable in class shout3d.core.Anchor
PAUSE - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Pause key, a non-ASCII action key.
PGDN - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Page Down key, a non-ASCII action key.
PGUP - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Page Up key, a non-ASCII action key.
PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer - class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer.
A PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
pickAny(int, int) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Given a pixel coordinate assumed to be in the viewer's window, returns a boolean stating whether any geometry in the scene was intersected by the ray from the eyepoint through the pixel.
pickAnyFromTo(float[], float[]) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Given a ray described as going from the 'from' point and towards the 'to' point, returns a boolean stating whether any geometry in the scene was intersected by the ray.
pickClosest(int, int) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Given a pixel coordinate assumed to be in the viewer's window, constructs a ray from the location of the viewer's currently bound Viewpoint, then intersects.
pickClosestFromTo(float[], float[]) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Given a ray described as going from the 'from' point and towards the 'to' point, intersects that ray.
Picker - interface shout3d.core.Picker.
An interface which represents a Picker and provides required methods.
PixelBasedTexture - class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture.
An PixelBasedTexture
PixelBasedTexture() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
Constructs a default PixelBasedTexture
PixelBasedTexture(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
Constructs that takes a viewer as an argument
point - Variable in class shout3d.core.Coordinate
point - Variable in class shout3d.core.TextureCoordinate
POINT - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.Picker
PointSet - class shout3d.core.PointSet.
PointSet() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.PointSet
Constructs a default PointSet
pointSize - Variable in class shout3d.core.PointSet
POLYGON_INDEX - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.Picker
position - Variable in class shout3d.core.Viewpoint
PositionInterpolator - class shout3d.core.PositionInterpolator.
A PositionInterpolator
PositionInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.PositionInterpolator
Constructs a default PositionInterpolator
POSITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
PostRenderEffect - class shout3d.core.PostRenderEffect.
A PostRenderEffect
PostRenderEffect() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.PostRenderEffect
Constructs a default PostRenderEffect node.
PRESS - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
One of two values for the 'which' member variable.
PRINT_SCREEN - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Print Screen key, a non-ASCII action key.
ProgressiveAntialias - class shout3d.core.ProgressiveAntialias.
A Progressive Antialiase Post Render Effect.
ProgressiveAntialias() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.ProgressiveAntialias
Constructs a default ProgressiveAntialias node.


Quaternion - class shout3d.math.Quaternion.
A class that handles rotations in quaternion form.
Quaternion() - Constructor for class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Construct a new quaternion, with identity values corresponding to no rotation.
quatToAxis(float[], float[]) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
convert a quaternion rotation into an axis/angle rotation.


radius - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cylinder
radius - Variable in class shout3d.core.Sphere
RED - Static variable in class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
These are the legal values for whichChannel in the getChannel() method.
referenceTexCoord - Variable in class shout3d.core.TextureTransformMapping
RELEASE - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
One of two values for the 'which' member variable.
removeChildren(Node[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.Group
Removes children from this Group Node.
removeChildren(Node[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.Switch
Override to do nothing but throw an exception.
removeDeviceObserver(DeviceObserver, String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Removes the given ResourceObserver from the list of observers for which this ResourceObserver will invoke methods.
removeDeviceObserver(DeviceObserver, String) - Method in interface shout3d.core.DeviceListener
This method unregisters the interest of a DeviceObserver The typeName should be fully qualified, as in "shout3d.core.MouseInput" or "shout3d.core.DeviceInput" to observe all inputs.
removeFieldObserver(FieldObserver) - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
This method unregisters the interest of a FieldObserver
removeRenderObserver(RenderObserver) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Renderer
This method unregisters the interest of a RenderObserver
removeResourceObserver(ResourceObserver) - Method in interface shout3d.core.ResourceListener
This method unregisters the interest of a ResourceObserver
render(Node) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Renderer
Renders the passed in Node and its children.
Renderer - interface shout3d.core.Renderer.
An interface which represents a renderer and provides required methods.
RendererCleanup() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
You should call this before releasing/dispose this Window ! Also you can overwrite this class, to dispose your own elements, e.g.
RenderObserver - interface shout3d.core.RenderObserver.
An interface which implements a callback from a Renderer
renderOnce() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
This method will render one frame if the render loop is paused.
renderOnce() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
This method will render one frame if the render loop is paused.
renderOnce() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
This method will render one frame if the render loop is paused.
repeatS - Variable in class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
repeatT - Variable in class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
reset - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensorPauser
ResourceListener - interface shout3d.core.ResourceListener.
This provides an interface for registering the interest of one or more ResourceObservers.
ResourceObserver - interface shout3d.core.ResourceObserver.
This provides an interface for obtaining notice that a resource has been loaded.
restart() - Method in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
Stops, then starts this timeSensor.
RIGHT - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Right Arrow key, a non-ASCII action key.
rightTexture - Variable in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentCubeMap
rootBone - Variable in class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
rotation - Variable in class shout3d.core.Transform
rotation - Variable in class shout3d.core.RotationDefChannel
rotation - Variable in class shout3d.core.TextureTransformMapping
ROTATION - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
ROTATION_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
RotationDefChannel - class shout3d.core.RotationDefChannel.
A RotationDefChannel A DeformationChannel that rotates points based on a single rotation, a single center, and an array of weights.
RotationDefChannel() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.RotationDefChannel
RotUtil - class shout3d.math.RotUtil.
Rotation Utility Methods
RotUtil() - Constructor for class shout3d.math.RotUtil
run() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Runnable's run method


S3DMesh - class shout3d.core.S3DMesh.
S3DMesh() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.S3DMesh
S3DPolyLineMesh - class shout3d.core.S3DPolyLineMesh.
S3DPolyLineMesh() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.S3DPolyLineMesh
ScalarInterpolator - class shout3d.core.ScalarInterpolator.
A ScalarInterpolator
ScalarInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.ScalarInterpolator
Constructs a default ScalarInterpolator
scale - Variable in class shout3d.core.Transform
scale - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
scale - Variable in class shout3d.core.TextureTransformMapping
SCALE3 - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
scaleOrientation - Variable in class shout3d.core.Transform
SCROLL_LOCK - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Scroll Lock key, a non-ASCII action key.
searchAll(Node) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Searcher
Given the parameters that have been set, search for all nodes that meet all of the criteria.
Searcher - interface shout3d.core.Searcher.
An interface which represents a Searcher and provides required methods.
searchFirst(Node) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Searcher
Given the parameters that have been set, search for the first node that meets all of the criteria.
Segment - class shout3d.hanim.Segment.
Segment() - Constructor for class shout3d.hanim.Segment
segments - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
selfIlluminate - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance
set1Value(int, boolean) - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayField
Sets a single value in the array from the input newVal.
set1Value(int, double) - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayField
Sets a single value in the array from the input newVal.
set1Value(int, float) - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatArrayField
Sets a single value in the array from the input newVal.
set1Value(int, int) - Method in class shout3d.core.IntArrayField
Sets a single value in the array from the input newVal.
set1Value(int, Node) - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeArrayField
Sets a single value in the array from the input newVal.
set1Value(int, String) - Method in class shout3d.core.StringArrayField
Sets a single value in the array from the input newVal.
setAntiAliased(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Sets whether antialiasing is enabled.
setAntiAliased(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Sets whether antialiasing is enabled.
setAntiAliased(boolean) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Sets whether antialiasing is enabled.
setAxisAngle(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion based on an axis + angle combination.
setAxisAngle(float[], int) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion based on an axis + angle combination.
setBilinearFiltering(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Sets whether bilinear filtering is enabled on textures.
setBilinearFiltering(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Sets whether bilinear filtering is enabled on textures.
setBilinearFiltering(boolean) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Sets whether bilinear filtering is enabled on textures.
setCustomPixels(int, int, byte[][], byte[][], byte[][], byte[][]) - Method in class shout3d.core.PixelBasedTexture
Specifies the pixels that will be used in this Texture.
setDefName(String) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Searcher
Sets a particular DEF name as a criterion for searching.
setDEFName(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Sets the DEF Name of this Node.
setEulers(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Sets the quaternion from a set of three 'euler rotations,' a method preferred by many animators for specifying rotations.
setEulers(float, float, float) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Sets the quaternion from a set of three 'euler rotations,' a method preferred by many animators for specifying rotations.
setLoadResourcesInSeparateThread(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Sets whether resources (textures and sounds) should be loaded in a separate thread from the main thread.
setLoadResourcesInSeparateThread(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Sets whether resources (textures and sounds) should be loaded in a separate thread from the main thread.
setLoadResourcesInSeparateThread(boolean) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Sets resources (textures and sounds) should be loaded in a separate thread from the main thread.
setNode(Node) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Searcher
Sets a particular node as a criterion for searching.
setNodeSearchPath(String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Sets the search path for finding new nodes.

When loading a class for a node from a VRML97 or s3d file, the
packages are searched in the order given by a path contained in
a string.
setNodeSearchPath(String) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Sets the search path for finding new nodes.

When loading a class for a node from a VRML97 or s3d file, the
packages are searched in the order given by a path contained in
a string.
setPanelAutoFillsApplet(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Sets whether this panel will automatically reshape itself to fill the entire size of the applet.
setPanelAutoFillsApplet(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Sets whether this applet's panel will automatically reshape itself to fill the entire size of this applet.
setPath(Node[]) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Establishes a new path for the picker to usre for ray intersection.
setPaused - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensorPauser
setPaused(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
Pauses or unpauses this TimeSensor.
setPickInfo(int, boolean) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Tells the Picker which information it needs to collect as it traverses the scene graph in order to Pick.
setPixelDoubling(boolean, boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Sets whether pixel doubling is enabled on the view.
setPixelDoubling(boolean, boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Sets whether pixel doubling is enabled on the view.
setPixelDoubling(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Sets whether pixel doubling is enabled on the view.
setQuat(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion based on the value of another.
setQuat(Quaternion) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to match the values in another.
setRecursivelySearchable(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeArrayField
Sets whether node values in this field should be recursively searched by searchers.
setRecursivelySearchable(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeField
Sets whether node values in this field should be recursively searched by searchers.
setRenderLoopPaused(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Sets whether the rendering loop should be paused
setRenderLoopPaused(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Sets whether the rendering loop should be paused
setRenderLoopPaused(boolean) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer
Sets whether the rendering loop should be paused
setScene(Group) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Replaces the scene in the panel This includes applying all of the applet parameters (headlight, anti-aliasing, etc) to the newly loaded scene.
setScene(Group) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Replaces the scene in the Viewer This includes applying all of the applet parameters (headlight, anti-aliasing, etc) to the newly loaded scene.
setScene(Group) - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Replaces the scene in the Viewer
setScene(Node) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
Establishes a new scene graph for the picker to use for ray intersection.
setSceneFromURL(String[]) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Loads an URL into the panel's scene This includes applying all of the applet parameters (headlight, anti-aliasing, etc) to the newly loaded scene.
setSceneFromURL(String[]) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Loads an URL into the viewer's scene.
setSceneFromURL(String[]) - Method in interface shout3d.core.CoreShout3DViewer
Loads the scene from the file referred to by the given URL.
setToIdentityMatrix44(float[]) - Static method in class shout3d.math.MatUtil
Set a 4x4 matrix to be an identity matrix
setType(String) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Searcher
Sets a particular node type as a criterion for searching.
setValue(boolean) - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(boolean[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(double) - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(double[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(float) - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatArrayField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(int) - Method in class shout3d.core.IntField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(int[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.IntArrayField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(Node) - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(Node[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeArrayField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.StringField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValue(String[]) - Method in class shout3d.core.StringArrayField
Sets the value of the field from the input argument.
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.Field
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.StringField
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.StringArrayField
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.IntArrayField
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleField
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayField
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.IntField
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanField
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatArrayField
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatField
setValueByString(String) - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayField
setViewer(Shout3DViewer) - Method in class shout3d.core.Node
Sets the Shout3DViewer in which this node is displayed.
setViewer(Shout3DViewer) - Method in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
Overrides base class to additionally store the clock.
setViewer(Shout3DViewer) - Method in class shout3d.core.StillCamProgAntialias
setViewer(Shout3DViewer) - Method in class shout3d.core.ImageTexture
setViewer(Shout3DViewer) - Method in class shout3d.core.TouchSensor
Override setViewer to get a picker from it and start observing devices
setViewer(Shout3DViewer) - Method in class shout3d.sound.JavaSound
Shape - class shout3d.core.Shape.
The basic Shape class.
Shape() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Shape
Constructs a default Shape
SHIFT_MASK - Static variable in class shout3d.core.DeviceInput
This flag indicates that the Shift key was down when the event occurred.
shininess - Variable in class shout3d.core.Material
shout3d - package shout3d
The package shout3d contains three sub-packages, shout3d.core, shout3d.math and shout3d.sound.
shout3d.core - package shout3d.core
The core package contains all the classes and interfaces that implement the core of the Shout3D scene graph architecture.
shout3d.hanim - package shout3d.hanim
The Shout3d.hanim package contains five classes, ,which implement the H-Anim specification for humanoid figures.
shout3d.math - package shout3d.math
The Shout3d.math package contains two classes, MatUtil and Quaternion, which contain convenience methods for working with matrices, vectors and rotations.
shout3d.sound - package shout3d.sound
The Shout3d.sound package contains the JavaSound class, used to play sounds in a Shout3D applet.
Shout3DApplet - class shout3d.Shout3DApplet.
Shout3DApplet() - Constructor for class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Constructs a Shout3DApplet
Shout3DException - exception shout3d.core.Shout3DException.
Any Exception thrown by Shout3D.
Shout3DException(String) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Shout3DException
Constructs a Shout3DException
Shout3DPanel - class shout3d.Shout3DPanel.
Shout3D Panel - a Panel containing a Shout3DViewer
Shout3DPanel(Shout3DApplet) - Constructor for class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Constructs a Shout3DPanel
Shout3DPanel(Shout3DApplet, int, int) - Constructor for class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Constructs a Shout3DPanel
Shout3DPanel(Shout3DApplet, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Constructs a Shout3DPanel
Shout3DViewer - interface shout3d.core.Shout3DViewer.
An interface that extends CoreShout3DViewer to have Shout3D-specific features
Shout3DWriter - class shout3d.Shout3DWriter.
Class that writes out a node and its subgraph in pseudo-vrml style.
Shout3DWriter() - Constructor for class shout3d.Shout3DWriter
Constructs a new Shout3DWriter
side - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cylinder
side - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cone
SingleTextureMap - class shout3d.core.SingleTextureMap.
SingleTextureMap Node.
SingleTextureMap() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.SingleTextureMap
Site - class shout3d.hanim.Site.
Site() - Constructor for class shout3d.hanim.Site
sites - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
size - Variable in class shout3d.core.TCBBaseInterpolator
size - Variable in class shout3d.core.Box
size - Variable in class shout3d.core.BezierVecInterpolator
slerp(float[], float[], float, float[]) - Static method in class shout3d.math.RotUtil
Places result of spherical linear interpolation between v0 and v1 in vResult, where vResult, v0 and v1 are all 3-vectors or all 4-vectors.
slerp(Quaternion, Quaternion, float) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Places result of spherical linear interpolation between q0 and q1 in this.
smoothingIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiMesh
describes smoothing groups per polygon.
solid - Variable in class shout3d.core.IndexedFaceSet
solid - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance
SPECULAR_LEVEL_MAP_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
specularColor - Variable in class shout3d.core.Material
specularLevelMap - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance
SpecularLevelMap - class shout3d.core.SpecularLevelMap.
SpecularLevelMap Node.
SpecularLevelMap() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.SpecularLevelMap
Constructs a default SpecularLevelMap
Sphere - class shout3d.core.Sphere.
Sphere() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Sphere
Constructs a default Sphere
spine - Variable in class shout3d.core.Extrusion
start() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Applets that override this method must call super.start() within their own start() method, or the Applet will not work correctly
start() - Method in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
Starts this timeSensor by setting startTime to the current time.
startKey - Variable in class shout3d.core.FractionRemapper
startTime - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
startTime - Variable in class shout3d.sound.JavaSound
stiffness - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Joint
StillCamProgAntialias - class shout3d.core.StillCamProgAntialias.
A Still Camera Progressive Antialiase Post Render Effect.
StillCamProgAntialias() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.StillCamProgAntialias
stop() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DApplet
Applets that override this method must call super.stop() within their own stop() method, or the Applet will not work correctly
stop() - Method in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
Stops this timeSensor by setting stopTime to the current time.
stopTime - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
stopTime - Variable in class shout3d.sound.JavaSound
stretchToFit - Variable in class shout3d.core.Background
StringArrayField - class shout3d.core.StringArrayField.
A Field whose value stores an array of Strings.
StringArrayField(Node, String, int, String[]) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.StringArrayField
Constructs a new StringArrayField.
StringArrayStepInterp - class shout3d.core.StringArrayStepInterp.
A StringArrayStepInterp
StringArrayStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.StringArrayStepInterp
Constructs a default StringArrayStepInterp
StringField - class shout3d.core.StringField.
A Field whose value stores a String.
StringField(Node, String, int, String) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.StringField
Constructs a new StringField.
StringStepInterp - class shout3d.core.StringStepInterp.
A StringStepInterp
StringStepInterp() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.StringStepInterp
Constructs a default StringStepInterp
style - Variable in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentMap
Switch - class shout3d.core.Switch.
A Switch.
Switch() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Switch
Constructs a default Transform


TCBBaseInterpolator - class shout3d.core.TCBBaseInterpolator.
A Base Class for TCB Vector Interpolators
TCBBaseInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TCBBaseInterpolator
Constructs a default TCBBaseInterpolator
TCBInterpolator - class shout3d.core.TCBInterpolator.
A TCB Interpolator
TCBInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TCBInterpolator
TCBOrientationInterpolator - class shout3d.core.TCBOrientationInterpolator.
A TCB Orientation Interpolator
TCBOrientationInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TCBOrientationInterpolator
Constructs a default TCB Orientation Interpolator
TCBScalarInterpolator - class shout3d.core.TCBScalarInterpolator.
A TCBScalarInterpolator
TCBScalarInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TCBScalarInterpolator
Constructs a default TCBScalarInterpolator
TCBVecInterpolator - class shout3d.core.TCBVecInterpolator.
A TCB Vector Interpolator
TCBVecInterpolator() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TCBVecInterpolator
TEX_COORD_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
texCoord - Variable in class shout3d.core.IndexedFaceSet
texCoord - Variable in class shout3d.core.TextureMapping
texCoordIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.IndexedFaceSet
texCoordIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.TextureMapping
texture - Variable in class shout3d.core.Background
texture - Variable in class shout3d.core.SingleTextureMap
texture - Variable in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentSphereMap
texture - Variable in class shout3d.core.Appearance
Texture - class shout3d.core.Texture.
A Texture
TEXTURE_COORDINATE_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
TEXTURE_MAPPING_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
TEXTURE_NODE - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
Texture() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Texture
Constructs a default Texture
TextureCoordinate - class shout3d.core.TextureCoordinate.
A TextureCoordinate Node
TextureCoordinate() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TextureCoordinate
Constructs a default TextureCoordinate
TextureMapping - class shout3d.core.TextureMapping.
TextureMapping Node.
TextureMapping() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TextureMapping
Constructs a default TextureMapping
textureMappingIndex - Variable in class shout3d.core.SingleTextureMap
textureMappings - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiMesh
A list of textureMappings available for use by the appearances.
TextureTransformMapping - class shout3d.core.TextureTransformMapping.
TextureTransformMapping Node.
TextureTransformMapping() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TextureTransformMapping
Constructs a default TextureTransformMapping
tick() - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
This method updates the Clock and sets a new absolute time.
tick() - Method in interface shout3d.core.Clock
This method updates the Clock and sets a new absolute time.
time - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
timeScale - Variable in class shout3d.core.KeyframeInterpolator
The timeScale field specifies a scaling for the values in the key field.
timeScale - Variable in class shout3d.core.FractionRemapper
timeSensor - Variable in class shout3d.core.TimeSensorPauser
TimeSensor - class shout3d.core.TimeSensor.
A TimeSensor
TimeSensor() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
Constructs a default TimeSensor
TimeSensor(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
Constructs a default TimeSensor
TimeSensorPauser - class shout3d.core.TimeSensorPauser.
TimeSensorPauser() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TimeSensorPauser
timeStamp - Variable in class shout3d.core.DeviceInput
Time at which the input was received.
tintColor - Variable in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentMap
title - Variable in class shout3d.core.WorldInfo
Toggle - class shout3d.core.Toggle.
Toggle() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Toggle
toggleTime - Variable in class shout3d.core.Toggle
toggleValue - Variable in class shout3d.core.Toggle
top - Variable in class shout3d.core.Cylinder
TouchSensor - class shout3d.core.TouchSensor.
TouchSensor Node Class.
TouchSensor() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TouchSensor
Constructs a default TouchSensor
TouchSensor(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TouchSensor
Constructor that takes a viewer as input.
touchTime - Variable in class shout3d.core.TouchSensor
Transform - class shout3d.core.Transform.
A Transform.
Transform() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Transform
Constructs a default Transform
Transform(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Transform
Constructor that takes a viewer as an argument
translation - Variable in class shout3d.core.Transform
translation - Variable in class shout3d.core.TranslationDefChannel
translation - Variable in class shout3d.core.TextureTransformMapping
TranslationArrayDefChannel - class shout3d.core.TranslationArrayDefChannel.
A TranslationArrayDefChannel A DeformationChannel that translates points based on an array of translations, with a unique translation for each point to be deformed.
TranslationArrayDefChannel() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TranslationArrayDefChannel
TranslationDefChannel - class shout3d.core.TranslationDefChannel.
A TranslationDefChannel A DeformationChannel that translates points based on a single translation and an array of weights.
TranslationDefChannel() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.TranslationDefChannel
translations - Variable in class shout3d.core.TranslationArrayDefChannel
transparency - Variable in class shout3d.core.Material
trueFilter - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToInteger
trueFilter - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanEventToCurrentTime
trueTime - Variable in class shout3d.core.Toggle


uDimension - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
uDimension - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
uKnot - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
uKnot - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
ulimit - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Joint
uOrder - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
uOrder - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
UP - Static variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
The Up Arrow key, a non-ASCII action key.
UP - Static variable in class shout3d.core.MouseInput
This flag indicates that the mouse button was released.
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.Interpolator
Call this to update the value field's value based on the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.StringStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.PositionInterpolator
Call this to update the value field's value based on the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.CurrentTimeStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.TCBBaseInterpolator
Call this to update the value field's value based on the current value of the fraction field.
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeArrayStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.TimeSensor
Updates the outputs of the TimeSensor based on the values of its fields.
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.OrientationInterpolator
Call this to update the value field's value based on the current value of the fraction field.
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.CoordinateInterpolator
Call this to update the value field's value based on the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.IntArrayStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.BooleanStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.BezierScalarInterpolator
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.TCBOrientationInterpolator
Call this to update the value field's value based on the current value of the fraction field.
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.ScalarInterpolator
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.StringArrayStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.NodeStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.FloatArrayStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.IntStepInterp
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.CoordinateNodeInterpolator
Call this to update the value field's value based on the current value of the fraction field).
update() - Method in class shout3d.core.BezierVecInterpolator
Call this to update the value field's value based on the time in the current value of the fraction field).
update(Graphics) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DPanel
Inherited Applet update method
updateOutFraction() - Method in class shout3d.core.FractionRemapper
Call this to update the outFraction if necessary
upTexture - Variable in class shout3d.core.EnvironmentCubeMap
url - Variable in class shout3d.core.ImageTexture
url - Variable in class shout3d.core.Anchor
url - Variable in class shout3d.sound.JavaSound
URL_ARRAY - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
USAGE_TYPE_MAX - Static variable in interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes
Check this member at runtime to find out how many usage types there are.
UsageTypes - interface shout3d.core.UsageTypes.
An interface which provides constants for Field Usage types.
uTesselation - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
uTesselation - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface


value - Variable in class shout3d.core.StringStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.PositionInterpolator
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanArrayStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.FloatStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.DoubleStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.CurrentTimeStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.NodeArrayStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.OrientationInterpolator
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.CoordinateInterpolator
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.IntArrayStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.BooleanStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.BezierScalarInterpolator
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.TCBOrientationInterpolator
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.ScalarInterpolator
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.TCBVecInterpolator
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.StringArrayStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.NodeStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.DoubleArrayStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.TCBScalarInterpolator
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.FloatArrayStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.IntStepInterp
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.EulerXYZInterpolator
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.CoordinateNodeInterpolator
value - Variable in class shout3d.core.BezierVecInterpolator
vDimension - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
vDimension - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
version - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
Viewpoint - class shout3d.core.Viewpoint.
A Viewpoint
Viewpoint() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Viewpoint
Constructs a default Viewpoint
Viewpoint(Shout3DViewer) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.Viewpoint
Constructs that takes a viewer as an argument
viewpoints - Variable in class shout3d.hanim.Humanoid
visibilityLimit - Variable in class shout3d.core.NavigationInfo
vKnot - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
vKnot - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
vOrder - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
vOrder - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
vTesselation - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
vTesselation - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface


wasPicked(Node) - Method in interface shout3d.core.Picker
After performing a pick, this returns true if the given node was on the path to the pick.
weight - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsLineSet
weight - Variable in class shout3d.core.TranslationArrayDefChannel
weight - Variable in class shout3d.core.NurbsSurface
weight - Variable in class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
weight - Variable in class shout3d.core.RotationDefChannel
weights - Variable in class shout3d.core.TranslationDefChannel
which - Variable in class shout3d.core.KeyboardInput
Indicates which type of input (PRESS or RELEASE) was received.
which - Variable in class shout3d.core.MouseInput
Indicates which type of input (DOWN, UP, MOVE, or DRAG) was received.
which - Variable in class shout3d.core.WindowInput
Indicates which type of input (CLOSE, ICONIFY, or DEICONIFY) was received.
whichBone - Variable in class shout3d.core.PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
whichChoice - Variable in class shout3d.core.Switch
WindowInput - class shout3d.core.WindowInput.
A class for describing basic window input.
WindowInput() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.WindowInput
Constructs a WindowInput
WindowInput(int, int, double) - Constructor for class shout3d.core.WindowInput
Constructs a WindowInput
wire - Variable in class shout3d.core.MultiAppearance
WorldInfo - class shout3d.core.WorldInfo.
WorldInfo() - Constructor for class shout3d.core.WorldInfo
write(Node, PrintStream) - Method in class shout3d.Shout3DWriter
Writes a description of the node, its subgraph and its fields, vrml-style to the given PrintStream


x - Variable in class shout3d.core.MouseInput
Indicates the x location of the mouse when the input was received.
xDimension - Variable in class shout3d.core.ElevationGrid
xform(float[]) - Method in class shout3d.math.Quaternion
Transforms the given vector by this quaternion.
xInterpolator - Variable in class shout3d.core.EulerXYZInterpolator
xSpacing - Variable in class shout3d.core.ElevationGrid


y - Variable in class shout3d.core.MouseInput
Indicates the y location of the mouse when the input was received.
yInterpolator - Variable in class shout3d.core.EulerXYZInterpolator


zDimension - Variable in class shout3d.core.ElevationGrid
zInterpolator - Variable in class shout3d.core.EulerXYZInterpolator
zSpacing - Variable in class shout3d.core.ElevationGrid